I've been browsing various weight loss and fitness blogs and have become very inspired; so much so that upon awakening this morning, I was determined that I was going to do this thing the right way.
I got out of bed and searched through my drawer to find an old bikini(that I had no business looking at let alone putting on) and decided that I would take some before photos. I immediately uploaded them to my comp and let me tell you, there is nothing like a photo to put things into perspective. I know that I am overweight but dayum!
I think that I have been plagued with a bout of reverse anorexia.(if such a thing does exist) I look at myself and see myself thinner than I really am. ( I'm serious, I really do). It isn't until I look in the mirror or at a photo that the "Ugly Truth" sets in. Case in point, I bought a swimsuit dress, cover up thing... similar to this:

Now, fast forward to the beginning of this month, I'm taking a road trip and want to be able to drive in comfort. This dress is extremely comfortable and it keeps me cool so I figure ...why not wear this dress? I put it on and decide to look in the mirror( mind you, I've never looked at myself in the mirror while wearing this dress before) and I couldn't believe what I saw, I looked like a stuffed sausage..... so of course that wasn't going to get it and I quickly changed my outfit. Prior to that, I thought that I looked perfectly fine. (which translates to thinner than I really am)
Anyway, back to those bikini shots. My gosh, I have a lot of work ahead of me...I mean a whollllllle lot of work! I know that diet is 95 percent of weight-loss and I really need to figure out a doable way to incorporate good, healthy, tasteful, clean eating into my diet. I currently have the mindset that I do not want to cut out anything from my diet. Moderation is the key. I sometimes get the kind of cravings where I want what I want. It doesn't happen all that often but you know how it is when you cannot be satiated until you get what you want. I just cannot deny myself and maybe that's part of the problem as to why I'm the weight that I am.
I really don't eat a lot (I know you're thinking they all say that, admit it..that's what you're thinking aren't you?) But in my case it's true. Some people crave candy, chocolate or sweets, and I do get a sugar craving once in a while but my weakness as of late has been Flaming hot Cheetos, I love them and could eat an entire bag in 1 or 2 days. I once attended a nutrition seminar and I can remember the nutritionist saying that that particular kind of Cheetos is actually the worst for your body. I'm proud to say that I haven't purchased any flaming hots in about two weeks so that's good.
I guess I will do some more research on nutrition although I'm pretty sure I know just about everything that I should or should not be eating. I just have to put it into action.
I see a lot of people have had success on Weight Watchers but I wonder if you will have to be on the WW program for the rest of your life to maintain or keep the weight off. I don't want to follow any particular program and then when I start to eat "normally" again (not meaning unhealthy or large portions but in a normal manner, not cutting out any particular food or food groups) I gain the weight back. That's my dilemma but i'm working on a plan.
Getting it right and tight,

A woman I work with eats Flaming Hot Cheetos and diet coke everyday for lunch...of course, she is like 6 feet tall and thin as a rail. Grrrr!
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ha! I just took some pictures of me in my underwear and bra, and ho boy! That was a wake up call. I do the same thing, I trick myself into thinking that I don't look *that* bad. That even though the BMI calculator is telling me I'm obese, I still try to deny it in my head.
Yeah... I'll never be showing those pictures to anyone...
I have the same disorder! I honestly don't feel bad or fat or anything, but then I pass my reflection and wonder who the heck that fat old woman following me is! LOL. And photos--I avoid having my picture taken at all costs. It's easy, really--I just make certain I am the one who is in charge of holding the camera. Can't get your picture taken that way.
I TOTALLY know what you mean! I don't think I am as fat as i really am until it hits me. i guess that is why i avoid the mirror. lol
- Lisa
Whew! Glad to know that I am not the only delusional one haha. The worst is when you see your reflection in a store window.
Yes, my photos are under lock and key. No one will ever see them unless I see some significant progress on the weightloss front and get enough corage to post before and afters, then again, Maybe not!
@Nicole, Don't you just hate women who can eat what they want and never gain a pound. That used to be me before child birth but now those days are long gone.
@Jennifer, The funny thing about it is that I love to be photographed. I guess it stems from my thin days. I still have to be in every picture that anyone takes but WHen I see them, I'm so not happy.
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