I decided to go to Zumba yesterday and I'm glad that I did because it was awesome. The instructor was actually a substitute for the regular instructor who went to Brazil for the entire month of January. Upon the regular instructor's return, she( the sub) was able to switch gyms with another instructor who didn't want to drive that far so she now has her own class on Tuesdays. The funny thing is that I attended the regular instructors class regularly before she went on vacation but when I tried her class after she returned from her trip, I found that I actually prefer the sub so I think I'll stick with Tuesdays from now on.
Anyway, I was pouring down with sweat during and after class. So much so that had I tried to, I'm sure that I could've wrung water out of my shirt. Its funny because sweat is dripping off of me and there are a lot of people in the class who do not even break a sweat at all. I don't know if it is because they are more in shape than I am or they just aren't working out as hard but sometimes it bothers me. Guess I'm just a sweater when it comes to working out.
The Zumba instructor also teaches a "BodyPump" class immediately after Zumba. I figured why not try it out since I can't seem to manage to pick up a weight at home. I want to preface this by saying that I have taken body sculpt classes at other gyms and ended up leaving the class( in favor of my Cathe workout tapes) because I didn't find it challenging enough for me. That was NOT the case with this class.
After she made our legs scream for mercy from all of the squats and lunges(I think we did 50 or more on each leg for each exercise, back to back with no breaks...OMG!!!) she then had us do various leg lifts and donkey kicks( I think that is the name of the exercise) to work the glutes all the while taunting us about how summer is almost here ..we only have 3 more months until May lol. Truth is that I most likely would have walked out had she not said that about summer, but since I want to have lost a good amount of weight by then, I stuck it out. After that came abs and all I can say is UUUGH! Then we finished off with pushups... 75 reps. Of course I didn't or couldn't do all the required reps but I did do what I could. I left there thinking "That's it for me, I must have been crazy taking this class" then I vowed to never set foot in BodyPump again but I thought about it some more and I think that I may stick with it.. Even though I am definitely feeling it today(sore and stiff) I can only improve right?
Getting it right,

im glad you talked about zumba. Im considering taking a zumba class and Im sure Ill be a sweater also! link up on my blog today!!!
Sounds great! The muscles should scream less if you keep up with it! :-D And yes, some people do just sweat more than others. It was smart of you to switch to the lower weight. It's easy to injure yourself if you don't start with the lower ones, then you CAN'T continue! Keep up the great work. You'll be lookin great in a bikini by summer! ;-)
Bikini? Lol From your mouth to God's ears! ;) Thanks for the encouraging words!
I think you should definitely stick with it! You should give yourself some credit for being able to make it through the whole workout for the first time and right after Zumba! You rock!
When I was doing body pump classes, I was so addicted to them! Keep on doing them, you will love them! (Note I have since found kettlebell classes that I am now addicted to...otherwise I would still be doing and loving body pump!)
Wow! That's awesome that you were able to do the class after Zumba. I probably couldn't have!
I love Zumba but even with my love for dancing cannot finish one complete set.
BTW- here is the recipe for the Chicken roll :)
2 boneless skinless chicken breasts cooked
1/2 bell peppers
1/2 large onion
1 large fresh tomatoes
3/4 can cream of chicken soup
1 bag of shredded cheese- I use Mexican blend
2 cans of Pillsbury crescent rolls
I cook the chicken dominican style in the pan without any color, seasoned regular, then shred. Put in a bowl.
Add your chopped vegetables:Onion, pepper and tomatos
Pour soup from the can in the mixture and mix well, then add the cheese, you may not need all of it.
Open crescent rolls and make a circle with open triangles in a round baking sheet. Make sure triangles touch a little on the side.
Put your mixture in it (see prior picture, then fold over the points on the crescent rolls.
Bake according to directions on cresent rolls.
P.S I'm currently using only have of the cream of soup, I find it less messy. I've also seen these for breakfast stuffed with eggs, bacon, ham, etc. Let me know if you try it.
Gosh...Dominican Style means I put adobo, garlic, red onions....sorry about that :)
Thanks Nina Patricia...I'm definitely going to try to make this and will post pictures.. it looks sooo good!
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