As you all know I re-started my fitness journey last week. I had been to the gym Monday and Tuesday and did a little workout at home on Wednesday..everything was fine, despite my having had a cold for the past two weeks, I still got in some exercise despite how crappy I felt.
Fast forward to the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day, I woke up about 2 or 3 in the morning to the room spinning out of control.
Anyway, It did get better although ever since that day, I have been extremely lightheaded with bouts of nausea here and there. I can't seem to function for more than a few minutes before I feel the need to lie down. I went to the doctors yesterday and was told I have sinus issues likely brought on by a cold virus. I left with a prescription for Flonase and Claritan and also a word that it will take at least 5 days to kick in...Uuggh great, five more days of feeling like I've been in a week long drinking binge....this dizziness is the I've been sidetracked as far as the working out is concerned but there is good news. I weighed in at 228 lbs last Monday and today I was 226.2 so something is working!
Anyway, here is this mornings weigh-in pic that I managed to take during the few minutes that the lightheaded-ness was a bit bearable.
Getting it right,

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