broken record with this weight loss thing. I know I have fallen off the wagon more times than I can count but every time I restart, doesn't necessarily mean that I have fallen completely off track. Most times it just means that I haven't been consistent with my working know I may work out for a few days and then nothing for another few days...either way, I need to get it together.
I just returned home from my grandmother's funeral. Yes, I lost my lovely grandmother and it hurts to know that I can't see or talk to her again ( until I make it to heaven myself) but I take comfort in knowing that she led a long, full and happy life and that she's in a better place. Going home also allowed me to spend time with family and friends. We were there to remember my grandmother but through our tears ( and believe me they were flowing and flowing and flowing) we also shared some laughs remembering the good times we had and just reminiscing. I'm so glad that my family is a close one.
While home, I was also reminded that I am the heaviest ( well not really the heaviest but close to it) one out of my cousins and friends. I wasn't even thinking about my weight until I received a text from my cousin telling me that she felt like and I quote "a big fat Oompa Loompa". lol.. Needless to say, she and I decided that we would embark on this weight loss journey together. We live in different states but we talk a lot and we can check in with one another from time to time..Also there's this competitive streak that refuses to have her lose weight while I'm still fat, Nope... not happening. I already know that I can do it by my 20lb weight loss over the summer and that was without changing my diet at all. This time I'm going to work on that and see what I can do.
My grandparents wanted me, as well as some other family members, to lose weight and I know that I need to do it. So this time I will lose all of the weight I need to lose and then some. ( positive affirmations anyone? lol) Anyway my cousin has already started her quest. She had me call QVC and order the stepmill ( or something like that's this mini stepper with arm bands) for her so when she receives it she will be adding exercise to her routine. She says she already started her diet so that means I need to get on the ball.
Getting it right,

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