Yesterday, I had an awesome workout. I was out by 6 a.m. on the track getting my hour long walk/jog in and then I came home and did Chalean Extreme's Burn circuit 3. I really felt like I was accomplishing something. I had plans to do another evening workout but I ended up going out to dinner at Red Robin (my first time there and to be honest. it was nothing special the food was average at best). Anyway I ended up stuffing my face with a burger (only ate half) and fries, and then having a cinnamon and sugar pretzel at Auntie Anne's. How's that for a wasted workout? I was so disappointed in myself because I did all of that work for nothing.
So that's my pity party tale but I won't dwell on it. Now to put that fiasco behind me and move on. I can do this...I know that I can!
Getting it right and tight,

You have the right happens. We aren't perfect. There will be days where we "break rules". But the next day is a new chance. Don't let it get you down! It was just one day of many, many more!
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