Wow! Time sure is flying by. It seems as if only yesterday, I was wrapping gifts, decorating the tree and getting ready for Christmas. Needless to say January is gone and it's now time to say Hello to February and I haven't made any progress.
While I have been in the gym, very sporadically I might add, I haven't really accomplished anything. I'm not sure what it is that I am not doing that others are but It gets really frustrating seeing others be successful at weightloss while I'm having no progress. I see people losing 20, 30, 40, 50 pounds or more and they have changed nothing other than cutting out soda and walking for a half hour a day. What? I stopped drinking soda so long ago that I can't even remember the last time that I had one and I'm in the gym lifting and doing cardio in between. I know consistency is the key so I have deemed February, the month of consistency.
- I will be consistent in my eating
- I will be consistent in my working out
- I will be consistent in my water intake
- I will be consistent in my posting on this blog.
I hope to see some changes this time around...doesn't need to be big changes but I need to see something!! Now, I'm off to start my day with a fabulous green smoothie. What will you be doing differently this month in order to accomplish your goals?
Getting it right and hopefully tight,