Last week I was a little down because I missed 5 days of working out in a row. It really only boiled down to 3 days missed since I do allow myself 2 days off if I choose to take it. I was just so busy this past weekend with it being Michael Jackson's Birthday and all (Yes, I'm that kind of fan) so I was In Merrillville Indiana where the fanvention was held as well as Gary, Indiana at 2300 Jackson Street. I had a fabulous time and while my eating was okay( actually I may have eaten a little less than I would have had I been home) I couldn't or didn't find the time to workout.
This is a new month so I have already gotten my workout in for the day. I'm still deciding whether or not to try to make up the missed workout(I'm just really concerned about getting in my leg day workout as the others that were missed consisted of cardio) I'll work on it and maybe fit it in when I have an extra shot of adrenaline to spare.
Anyway, it seems as if I am gaining and losing the same pound or two so not much weight loss yet. I really am beginning to see that I won't be as successful as I like without totally revamping my diet. I just don't know if I can do that yet. Everyone always says the secret to weight loss is calories in versus calories out and if that is the case where does "Clean" eating fit in? I would like to think that it's that simple but it doesn't appear to be. I just know that I will not be able to cut things out of my diet completely. As I mentioned once or twice I am so not a fan of depriving myself. I'll stick it out for a little while and see how it's working for me and decide what to do from there.
Anyway, a little update on what's been happening on the weight loss/working out front.
Getting it right,
This is a new month so I have already gotten my workout in for the day. I'm still deciding whether or not to try to make up the missed workout(I'm just really concerned about getting in my leg day workout as the others that were missed consisted of cardio) I'll work on it and maybe fit it in when I have an extra shot of adrenaline to spare.
Anyway, it seems as if I am gaining and losing the same pound or two so not much weight loss yet. I really am beginning to see that I won't be as successful as I like without totally revamping my diet. I just don't know if I can do that yet. Everyone always says the secret to weight loss is calories in versus calories out and if that is the case where does "Clean" eating fit in? I would like to think that it's that simple but it doesn't appear to be. I just know that I will not be able to cut things out of my diet completely. As I mentioned once or twice I am so not a fan of depriving myself. I'll stick it out for a little while and see how it's working for me and decide what to do from there.
Anyway, a little update on what's been happening on the weight loss/working out front.
Getting it right,